About Us
Theatre Cooperative is a social cooperative working on strengthening the independent theatres in the economic, social and legal field while enriching the cultural production in the sector.
We aim to improve the independent theatre scene in Turkey to world standards while creating economic benefit.
We have started our journey with the initiation of 13 independent theatres*. After the addition of 19 independent theatres**, Theatre Cooperative was officially founded in Istanbul in 26 June 2019.
Today, we are a strong cooperative consisting of 75 independent theatres.
* Altıdan Sonra Tiyatro/Kumbaracı50, CRAFT Tiyatro, DasDas, GalataPerform, ikincikat, Kadıköy Emek Tiyatrosu, Mam’Art Tiyatro, moda sahnesi, NoAct Sahne, oyun atölyesi, Semaver Kumpanya, Tiyatro(Hâl), Yolcu Tiyatro
** Alt Sahne, Altkat Sanat Tiyatrosu, Ankara Birlik Tiyatrosu, Asmalı Sahne, Baba Sahne, Balkonda Sanat, Erbulak Evi, Kadıköy Theatron, Levent Üzümcü Tiyatrosu, Öykü Sahne, Sahne3, Tatavla Tiyatro, Tiyatro BeReZe, Tiyatro Dalga, Tiyatro D22, Tiyatro.iN, Tiyatro Öteki Hayatlar, Tiyatro Yeniden, Versus Tiyatro
** Alt Sahne, Altkat Sanat Tiyatrosu, Ankara Birlik Tiyatrosu, Asmalı Sahne, Baba Sahne, Balkonda Sanat, Erbulak Evi, Kadıköy Theatron, Levent Üzümcü Tiyatrosu, Öykü Sahne, Sahne3, Tatavla Tiyatro, Tiyatro BeReZe, Tiyatro Dalga, Tiyatro D22, Tiyatro.iN, Tiyatro Öteki Hayatlar, Tiyatro Yeniden, Versus Tiyatro

Primarily focusing on our partners, we are working for all independent theatres in Turkey. For capacity building, we provide social, economic and academic mentorship, and we develop projects, campaigns, training programs, webinars, seminars and workshops. We collaborate with public institutions, local governments, non-governmental organizations, private sector, national and international cultural organizations. To increase the awareness about our working conditions and to pave the way for legal amendments, we carry out advocacy activities.
Contact Us

Atatürk Mahallesi Ertuğrul Gazi Sokak Metropol İstanbul D6 No:2/J Ataşehir/İstanbul